Our Pillars

Student-Centered Instruction

  • The needs of your child drive what we do

Rigorous, Standards-Aligned Core Instruction

  • Balance of inquiry-based and direct instruction and creation of a joyful, rigorous school culture

Social-emotional Support

  • Relationship-based support for the needs your child

Arts Integration

  • Strategic integration and exploration of the arts throughout the curriculum

On-Time Interventions

  • Evidence – and data – based interventions to ensure your child is on track

Professional Preparation and Development

  • Advancing teacher, counselor and leadership preparation and development

Targeted Clinicals

  • Build pre-service educators’ practical knowledge, skills and dispositions to use sound, validated practices

Ongoing Professional Development and Growth

  • In-service development to increase effectiveness of teachers and leaders within the school

Job-Embedded Coaching

  • Focus on practical, direct feedback and support for principal and teachers


We colloborate with CMS to facilitate professional learning and growth within the district

School-Community Partnerships

  • We coordinating and work with our community. You inform what we do.

Family Engagement

  • Invite and actively involve families into the school community, decision making and experiences

Leveraging Community Assets

  • Investigate and integrate community’s cultural assets into curriculum and activities

Community Mentorship

  • Develop mentor programs in collaboration with school professionals, community members and students

Partnerships for Strength

  • Ongoing partnerships with various businesses and organizations, including early childhood centers

Development and Application of Research-Validated Practices

  • Current research-validated practices will undergird classroom instruction, leadership and the training of school professionals. UNC Charlotte will seek to create a model school for the development and application of evidence-based practices with a particular focus on applying practices that support a diverse student body across academics and social-emotional growth.